SOS survival signal light, 360 degrees of guaranteed light
The SOS is a lightstick provided with a cord. When activated, it becomes a particularly practical survival signal light generating a highly visible circle of light. By spinning its handle, a light circle is formed, visible at up to 1 mile (1.6 km) on land/sea level, and 3 miles (4.8 km) from the sky.
This survival signal light is useful as an emergency light, distress light, means of airborne and horizontal identification lighting.
SOS is used in various situations, for instance:
- Signaling and marking for rescue responders,
- Position signal light,
- Marker light for rescue at sea,
- Substitute for visual pyrotechnical distress signals,
- Essential component in a safety kit,
- Identification of dangers and risk zones on a route…
SOS lighted distress signal: a lighted marker for identifying your position
The SOS is a lighted identification marker used as a distress signal to identify a location or a position visually. This lighted signal is used by unscrewing the cap to remove the outer protective envelope. Then, the stick contained inside is twisted and shaken, in the same way as the other lightsticks. The plasticized shell used as an envelope then becomes a handle and the long attaching lanyard allows it to be swung in large circles of light.
These circles of light are obtained by swinging the stick at the end of the lanyard above your head making them visible up to 1.6 km at ground level and 4.8 km from the sky. Location is facilitated and the position made more visible and easily recognized for search and rescue operations.
This means of search and rescue is particularly popular among emergency and rescue professionals and used as:
- Signal and marker for emergency rescue teams
- Lighted positioning signals
- Identification system for rescue and sea
- Substitute for pyrotechnical visual distress signals, as an essential part of a safety kit
- Identification of dangers and risk areas on a route
Packs (products in the same color)
50 pcs
Durations and colors
5 minutes | Ultra High Intensity Orange
Shelf life
3 years for the Infrared SOS
2 years for the Ultra Orange 5 min SOS
Dimensions and Weight
Diameter: 21 mm
Weight (wrapped): 45 g