Inventor of safety light 100% autonomous for tactical and safety applications
Cyalume, the perfect rescue independent light for your safety

Welcome to Cyalume Technologies Europe
We are the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) subsidiary of Cyalume, the world manufacturer and leader of chemiluminescent products, generally known as lightsticks. Cyalume also offers retroreflective and photoluminescent products, chemiluminescent ammunition payloads and systems for marking out mine-cleared routes.
The Cyalume Technologies SAS headquarters is located at Aix-en-Provence in France where it produces the military version of the 15 cm lightstick (ChemLight) and the safety version (SnapLight). This proximity means that the company is able to supply the military and safety markets of the entire EMEA zone reactively with lightsticks for their military, domestic security, industrial and commercial safety and personal application requirements.
Lightsticks for the Armed Forces and for safety lighting on various markets
Developed hand-in-hand with the US Armed Forces, Cyalume products are traditionally intended for NATO forces. Cyalume is the sole manufacturer accredited by NATO for the supply of lightsticks.
This is why Cyalume invests so much in research and development. The company supplies ground-breaking and environmentally friendly tactical lighting products to its military customers. The company also proposes advanced technology lighting to security/safety professionals in many areas, and to the public at large, for their personal uses.
Cyalume products are safety lighting devices used in a variety of areas like :
- special forces,
- domestic security,
- civil security,
- government agencies,
- transport (road rail sea and airport safety),
- facilities open to the public like hotels, hospitals or schools,
- industrial estates with maintenance and inspection operations at night,
- open air activities (diving, hiking, sailing, camping etc.).
Cyalume lighting represents reliable solutions that have proved their worth in lighting, marking and guidance, sometimes saving lives and avoiding accidents:
- Signaling, search and rescue operations, evacuation,
- Stairs and catwalk lighting/signaling,
- Routes, obstructions, accidents or exit area markings,
- Control points, mustering points,
- Landing zones, hazardous product zones,
- Medical triage, use of colors to distinguish between injury categories,
- Personal identification, safety kits, first-aid and survival kits,
- Workstation lighting for dark places,
- Explosion-prone and confined space lighting (explosive atmospheres),
- Surveillance, security perimeter,
- Underground inspection,
- Diving: lighting and marking,
- Firefighter activities: diving, water rescue and clearing, high-risk firefighting (operations in dangerous places).
Cyalume offers a wide range of light products in different colors, shapes and sizes, capable of producing lighting lasting between 5 minutes and 24 hours
Here are the properties of the Cyalume products:

- Activated in a few seconds by twisting or squeezing,
- Light through 360°,
- Water repellent, buoyant, non-toxic and guaranteed not to leak,
- Visible up to 1 nautical mile,
- 100% reliable with emission of consistent and high performance light,
- No need for batteries or bulbs (non-electric),
- Maintenance free.
- Does not give off flames, heat, gas or sparks,
- Safe, practical and easy to use, always ready,
- Safer than a candle,
- Life duration between 2 and 5 years depending on the product, with expiration date on package,
- No special storage requirements,
- Can be used in hazardous situations where there is mortal danger if the product fails to perform as required.
The Cyalume Europe team welcomes your queries and will readily provide you with help and support.